Bleaching, whitening

A beautiful smile with white teeth boosts confidence and adds a fresh look to one’s appearance. Tooth colours are inherited, and may be naturally darker or yellower. External influences such as coffee, red wine, black tea and smoking may impart a yellower or darker tint to teeth.

Dental plaque is first removed by professional tooth cleaning in our clinic, followed by bleaching as a second step (teeth whitening).

We offer both "home bleaching" and "in-office bleaching".

Home bleaching may be used with splints at any time at home. In-office bleaching (in the clinic, concomitant) takes about 2 hours, does not need another appointment and is performed gently on the dental chair. Bleaching does not adversely affect teeth.
All teeth or even a single tooth may be brightened (e.g. a tooth my turn darker after root canal treatment or accident, this is known as "internal bleaching").